Research interests
Rod Mailer for many years headed the NSW Department of Primary Industries’ edible oil research program. He joined NSW Agriculture* in 1979 and has managed research projects in various oil crops, particularly canola and olive oil during that time. He is associated with the release of 20 canola cultivars from the breeding program.
Dr Mailer carried out studies on environmental effects on the quality of canola at Australian National University for his MSc. He studied for, and obtained, his PhD at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada using HPLC and DNA-PCR technology to measure canola cultivar variation and discrimination.
He has represented the NSW DPI as a technical advisor to the Australian Oilseed Federation (AOF) and is an honorary member of the AOF and the Australian Olive Association (AOA).
He was the inaugural President of the Australian Section of the American Oil Chemists’ Society.
He has been the Australian representative on the International Standards Organisation for Fats and Oils and past President of the International Society for Fat Research (ISF), Germany.
Dr Mailer chaired the organisation of the International Rapeseed Congress in Canberra in 1999 and was chairman of the organising committee for the World Congress on Oils and Fats and 28th ISF Congress held in Sydney in 2009 and again in 2019.
*NSW Department of Primary Industries was formed on July 1, 2004 through an amalgamation of NSW Agriculture, NSW Fisheries, State Forests of NSW and the NSW Department of Mineral Resources.
Selected Past projects
Book & Journal Publications
Professional associations and activities
Contact details
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