National and International Conferences, Workshops

Dr Mailer has presented over 200 papers at scientific conferences.  Of these, many have been international in Europe, Canada, Asia and the USA and many have been invited papers. 

Mailer, R.J., 1985. A routine method for glucosinolate analysis in rapeseed. Proceedings of the Australian Rapeseed Agronomists and Breeders Workshop Perth.

Potter, T. and R.J. Mailer, 1985. Interstate rapeseed trials. Australian Rapeseed Agronomists and Breeders Workshop Perth.

Knights, E.J. and R.J. Mailer, 1986. Effects of seed type and colour in chickpeas (poster),International Food Legume Research Conference Washington, U.S.A.

Glennie Holmes, M. and R.J. Mailer, 1986. Using NIRA in minor and non-component analysis for crossbred quality assessment. 2nd Technicon Users Meeting, Melbourne.

Mailer, R.J., 1987. Current trends in rapeseed and canola quality. Australian Oilseed Federation Oilseed Forum Sydney. Invited Paper

Mailer, R.J., 1987. Recent international developments in glucosinolates. Australian Rapeseed Agronomists and Breeders Workshop Canberra

Salisbury, P., and R.J. Mailer, 1987. Useful variability in Australian populations of weedy crucifers. Australian Rapeseed Agronomists and Breeders Workshop, Canberra.

Potter, T., R.J. Mailer and N. Wratten, 1987. Interstate rapeseed trials. Australian Rapeseed Agronomists and Breeders Workshop Canberra.

Mailer, R.J. and N. Wratten, 1987. Glucosinolate variability in rapeseed in Australia. 7th International Rapeseed Congress Poznan, Poland.

Wratten, N. and R.J. Mailer, 1987. Selection for yield in early generations using the Nearest Neighbour (NN) design. 7th International Rapeseed Congress Poznan, Poland.

Mailer, R.J., 1987. Quality aspects of Rapeseed. Rapeseed canola workshop March. Trangie NSW

Thompson, J.A., D.P. Heenan and R.J. Mailer, 1988. Influence of sowing date on growth, yield and oil content of sunflower in the Murrumbidgee Valley. 7th Australian Sunflower Workshop Echuca.

Thompson, J.A., D.P. Heenan and R.J. Mailer, 1988. The influence of sowing date on oil quality of irrigated sunflower. 5th Australian Agronomy Conference.

Mailer, R.J., 1989. Australian achievements in rapeseed/canola varieties. Australian Oilseed Federation Oilseed Forum Sydney. Invited Paper

Potter, T., R.J. Mailer and N. Wratten, 1989. The progression of rapeseed varieties to high yielding canola varieties as shown by the Interstate variety trials. 7th Australian Rapeseed Agronomists and Breeders Workshop Toowoomba.

Mailer, R.J. 1989. Quality of new canola cultivars. 7th Australian Rapeseed Agronomists and Breeders Workshop Toowoomba.

Sykes, J. and R.J. Mailer, 1989. The influence of nitrogen on yield and quality of canola. 7th Australian Rapeseed Agronomists and Breeders Workshop Toowoomba

Mailer, R.J., R. Scarth and J.K. Daun, 1991. Rapeseed cultivar identification using RP-HPLC. 82nd American Oil Chemists Society Meeting May, Chicago, Illinois, USA. AOCS Outstanding Paper Award

Sykes, J.D. and R.J. Mailer, 1991. The effect of nitrogen on yield and quality of canola. 8th International Rapeseed Congress July, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Mailer, R.J., R. Scarth and J.K. Daun, 1991 Optimisation of HPLC conditions for varietal identification of Brassica napus. 8th International Rapeseed Congress July, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Mailer, R.J., J.K. Daun and R. Scarth, 1991. Discriminate analysis for cultivar identification. Canadian Section of the American Oil Chemists Society Meeting October 23-24, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Mailer, R.J., 1991 The use of RAPDs for cultivar identification. Review Committee on Molecular Biological Research, Canadian Grain Commission, 11th December. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Mailer, R.J., J.K. Daun and Scarth, R., 1992. HPLC and discriminate analysis for Brassica napus cultivar identification. 83rd American Oil Chemists Society Meeting May, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Co-chairman

Pinkerton, A, P.J. Randall, and R.J. Mailer, 1992. Determination of total glucosinolates in rapeseed by X-ray spectrometric analysis for oxidised sulfur (S6+). Workshop on sulfur metabolism. April. Grainau Germany

Mailer, R.J., R. Scarth and B. Fristensky, 1992. Cultivar discrimination of B. napus cultivars using RAPDs. Canadian Society for Plant Molecular Biology Annual Meeting 15-18th August Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Mailer, R.J. 1992 Cultivar identification of oilseed rape, Brassica napus, by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs). University of Manitoba Seminar Series, University of Manitoba, 26th November. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Mailer, R.J., R. Scarth and B. Fristensky, 1993. Cultivar Discrimination Using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPDs). 84th American Oil Chemists Society Meeting May, Anaheim, California, USA.

Mailer, R.J., 1993. RAPDs in identification of cultivars. Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas. N. Wratten and R.J. Mailer (eds.). Wagga Wagga.

Mailer, R.J. and Vonarx, M., 1994. Plant varietal registration of Brassica napus using RAPDs. Robertson Symposium, November 16-18th. Research School of Biological Sciences. Canberra, ACT.

Mailer, R.J. and N. Wratten, 1995. Application of genetic markers to plant varietal identification and improved canola quality. 9th International Rapeseed Congress Cambridge. UK.

Wratten, N. and Mailer, R.J. 1995. Effectiveness of selection for higher oil and protein contents using NIR analysis of seed from single plants. 9th International Rapeseed Congress Cambridge. UK.

Potter, T.D., Salisbury, P.A., Ballinger, D.J., Wratten, N. and Mailer, R.J. 1995 Comparison of historical varieties of rapeseed and canola in Australia. 9th Intern. Rapeseed Congress Cambridge. UK.

Mailer R.J., Wratten, N. and Vonarx, M. 1995. Canola quality – a comparison of two dissimilar years. 10th Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas Workshop Naracoorte, SA.

Potter, T., Wratten, N., Mailer, R.J., Ballinger, D.J. and Salisbury, P.A., 1995. Interstate canola trials – summary of 1994 results. 10th Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas Workshop Naracoorte, SA.

Potter, T., Salisbury, P.A., Ballinger, D.J., Wratten, N and Mailer, R.J., 1995. Comparison of historical varieties of rapeseed and canola in Australia10th Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas. Naracoorte SA

Mailer R.J., Wratten, N. and Vonarx, M. 1995.Application of genetic markers to canola (Brassica napus) varietal identification and improved canola quality. 10th Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas Workshop Naracoorte, SA.

Mailer, R.J. 1995. DNA markers for oil quality in canola. Blackleg Workshop. Botany School, University of Melbourne. December 4 1995.

Potter, T., Wratten, N., Mailer, R.J. and Salisbury, P.A. Interstate canola trials – summary of 1996 results. Eleventh Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas. Perth, Western Australia. October 6-10, 1997.

Vanderaa, P., Ash, G., Kadkol, G. And Mailer, R.J. Progress Report on the identification of molecular markers for resistance to blackleg in canola. Eleventh Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas. Perth, Western Australia. October 6-10, 1997.

Wratten, N. And Mailer, R.J., Improvements in oil and protein contents through recurrent selection. Eleventh Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas. Perth, Western Australia. October 6-10, 1997.

Mailer, R.J. 1998. AOCS and AOF Standards, Test Chek Programme, Standards and QA Group. AOF Oilseed Forum. 2-6 March Novotel Brighton Beach Hotel. Invited Paper.

Mailer, R.J. and N. Wratten. The use of glucose hydrolysis and NIR for rapid glucosinolate analysis. 89th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. May 10-13, 1998. Chicago, Illinois, USA. Invited Paper

Mailer, R.J. Olive oil properties and quality. Southern Tableland Olive Growers AGM. Canberra. July 26th. 1998. Invited Paper.

Raman, R., Ash, G., Wratten, N., Mailer, R. and Raman, H. 1998. Towards molecular marker for resistance to blackleg of canola. 1998 ASBMB / ASPP Combined Conference. Adelaide 28 Sept-1 Oct.

Mailer, R.J. Australian Olive Association Fourth Annual Conference, 2nd – 5th Oct. 1998. Clarifying the essential laboratory tests for the olive industry. Kingaroy, Queensland. Invited/Funded Paper

Mailer, R.J. American Oil Chemists’ Society – Australasian Section Workshop 1998. A review of the olive industry. Oct. 8th – 9th. Canberra, ACT.

Mailer R.J. 1999. Canola Quality Considerations – Oil Content, Testing and Segregation. ‘Agriculture Australia’ August 17-19th 1999. Sydney Hilton Hotel. Invited Speaker.

Mailer, R.J. Australian Olive Association 1999 National Conference, 26th – 29th Aug. 1999. Olive oil: minor components of major importance. Mandurah, Western Australia. Invited/Funded Speaker

Salisbury, P.A., Wratten, N., Burton, W.A., Mailer, R.J., Potter, T.D., Walton, G., Marcroft, S.J. and Cowling, W.A. 1999. Breeding priorities and progress in the national brassica improvement program. 10th International Rapeseed Congress September 26-29th Canberra. ACT.

Botha, I., Mailer, R, Robards, K. 1999. Triacylglycerols and wax esters in Australian canola sediment. 10th International Rapeseed Congress September 26-29th Canberra. ACT.

Brennan, J.P., Wratten, N. and Mailer, R.J. 1999. An economic assessment of canola improvement in NSW. 10th International Rapeseed Congress September 26-29th Canberra. ACT.

Vonarx, M., Mailer, R.J. and Wratten, N. 1999. Reliability of RAPDs for identification of Australian canola cultivars. 10th International Rapeseed Congress September 26-29th Canberra. ACT.

Vanderaa, P., Ash, G., Kadkol, G. and Mailer, R. 1999. Identification of molecular markers for resistance to blackleg in canola. 10th International Rapeseed Congress September 26-29th Canberra. ACT

Raman, R., Ash, G., Wratten, N. and Mailer, R., 1999. AFLP based marker for resistance to blackleg of canola. 10th International Rapeseed Congress September 26-29th Canberra. ACT.

Blackshaw, R. Lemerle, D. and Mailer R. 1999. Wild radish interference in canola. 10th International Rapeseed Congress September 26-29th Canberra. ACT.

Si, P., Mailer, R.J. Galwey, N. and Turner, D. 1999. Genotype, location and year influence the quality of canola grown across southern Australia. 10th International Rapeseed Congress September 26-29th Canberra.

Mailer, R.J. 2000. Tairawhiti Polytechnic Olive School. Quality considerations in olive oil. May, 25th – 28th. Gisborne, New Zealand. Invited/Funded Speaker.

Mailer, R., 2000. History of olives in Australia Australian, Historic Garden Society Workshop. July 16th, Wagga Wagga, NSW.

Vonarx and Mailer , 2000. Chlorophyll in canola 3rd Australian Section AOCS Workshop, Werribee, Victoria 11- 12th October.

Ayton, Croucher and Mailer. 2000. Phenolic compounds in Olive oil. 3rd Australian Section AOCS Workshop, Werribee, Victoria 11-12th October.

Mailer, R., 2000. Chemistry and Quality of Vegetable Oils. Australian Oilseed Federation Quality Assurance Workshop, Wagga 23-24 October.

Si. P, Walton, G., Mailer, R., Galwey, N. and Turner, D. W. (2001). Relative importance of genotype and environment effects on seed yield, oil and protein concentration of canola grown in Australia. Proceedings of International Symposium on Rapeseed Science, (eds Liu, H. and Fu, T). Held Wuhan, China, April 20-22. Science Press, New York, pp 49-56.

Mailer, R.J. 2001. Tairawhiti Polytechnic Olive School. Quality considerations in olive oil. May, 25th – 28th. Gisborne, New Zealand. Invited/Funded Speaker.

Mailer, R., Declercq and D., Kley, G. 2001 Crop area production report. GCIRC Technical Meeting, 4-6th June. Poznan, Poland.

Mailer, R. 2001. Olive oil production and processing for premium quality olive oil. Wagga Olive Schools – 6-8th July. Wagga Wagga.

Mailer, R. 2001. Facts about Fats, New Zealand Olive Association Annual Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 24-25th August. Invited/Funded Speaker

Mailer, R. 2001. Shelf-Life and Oil-Quality of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, New Zealand Olive Association Annual Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 24-25th August. Invited/Funded Speaker

Mailer, R. Factors influencing the shelf life of extra virgin olive oil. Australian Olive Association, Pokolbin, Hunter Valley, NSW. 28-29th Sept 2001. Invited Paper.

Vonarx, Mailer, R.J. and Wratten, N. Chlorophyll in Australian canola. Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas, Geelong, Vic. October 1-5th. 2001.

O’Bree, B, and Mailer, R.J. 2001. Methods used to ensure proficiency in chemical analysis of canola. Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas, Geelong, Vic. October 1-5th.

Si, P., Mailer, R., Galwey, N. and Turner, D. W. (2001) Influence of location and genotype on oil and protein concentrations of canola grown across Southern Australia. 12th Biennial Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas, October 1-5. Geelong, Victoria.

Aksouh, N., Stoddard, F.L., Campbell, L., Mailer, R.J. and Jacobs, B. 2001. Screening Brassica lines for thermotolerance. Pages 186-190 in Proc. 12th Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas. Geelong. Vic., Australia.

Ping, S., Graham, W., Mailer, R., Galwey, N. and Turner, D. (2001). International Symposium of Rapeseed Science, (eds Liu, H. and Fu, T). Held Wuhan, China, April 20-22. Science Press, New York, pp 108-109.

Mailer RJ. 2002. Using Chemical analysis for Quality Improvement. NZOA Annual Conference. Auckland, New Zealand. August. Invited/Funded Speaker.

O’Bree, B. and R.J. Mailer. 2002. Supercritical fluid extraction (scfe) of canola oil. Australian section AOCS Workshop, 4-5 November, Sydney.

McFadden, A. and R.J. Mailer. 2002. Sinapine in Australian canola. Australian section AOCS Workshop, 4-5 November, Sydney.

J. Ayton and R.J. Mailer, 2002. The effect of harvest timing on olive oil quality. Australian section AOCS Workshop, 4-5 November, Sydney.

Mailer, R.J. Conlan, D. and Martelossi, M. 2002. Assessment of olive oil for quality improvement – Workshop. Oct. 6-7, Mudgee.

Mailer, R.J. Conlan, D. and Martelossi, M. 2002. Assessment of olive oil for quality improvement – Workshop. Nov 30 – Dec 1, Tamworth.

Mailer, R.J. Conlan, D. and Martelossi, M. 2002. Assessment of olive oil for quality improvement – Workshop. Dec 7-8, Murrumbateman.

M’Gee, D.P., RJ Mailer and JC Spragg, 2002. Prediction of reactive lysine in canola meal using NIR as a measure of quality for monogastric livestock. Recent Advances conference, Tamworth.

Mailer, R.J. Conlan, D. and Martelossi, M. 2003. Assessment of olive oil for quality improvement – Workshop. March 21-22, Wagga Wagga.

Mailer, R.J. Conlan, D. and Martelossi, M. 2003. Assessment of olive oil for quality improvement – Workshop. April 12-13, Cowra.

Mailer, R.J. Olive oil, research and development. Liverno Olive Workshop. Shepparton 9-10 May, 2003 Invited/funded Paper

Aksou N., Campbell, L. and Mailer, R. 2003. Assessment of screening tools for heat tolerance in canola. International Rapeseed congress. Copenhagen, Denmark 7-10 July 2003. Invited Paper

Mailer, R.J. Olive oil assessment and EVOO Authenticity. 3rd Annual Olive Harvest Workshop 12 Sept. 2003 Rylstone Olive Press, Rylstone, NSW. Invited Paper

McFadden, A. and Mailer R.J. Sinapine in Australian canola. 13th Biennial Austalian Research Asembly on Brassicas. 8-12 September, 2003. Tamworth NSW.

Mailer, R.J. Australian Olive Association National Olive Industry Conference, 1st – 5th Oct. 2003. Oils ain’t oils. Brisbane, Queensland. Invited/Funded Paper

Mailer, R.J. Australian Olive Association National Olive Industry Conference, 1st – 5th Oct. 2003. Workshop – Olive oil chemistry. Brisbane, Queensland. Invited/Funded workshop

Mailer, R.J. Australian Crop Quality and Meeting End User Requirements Agriculture Australia – AOF Forum. 12-14 Aug 2003. Grand Hyatt, Melbourne. Invited/Funded Paper

Mailer, R.J. Oil Chemistry. Southern Highlands Olive Growers Association – olive growers workshop – August 3rd Mittagong. Invited Speaker

Mailer, R.J. 4th Annual Golden Olives Awards, 8 November, 2003. Rutherglen. Invited Speaker.

Mailer, R.J. Protein and glucosinolate quality in Australian canola. Canola meal seminar, 5th Feb 2004. Australian Oilseed Federation. Sydney.

Mailer, R.J. Processing and quality of canola oil. Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines Authority, Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute, 12 May, 2004

Mailer, R.J. Canola meal: limitations and opportunities. AOF Oilseed Forum. Melbourne. 6-7 October, 2004, Invited speaker

Mailer RJ Mudgee Olive Awards, The need for more testing to understand Australian oil quality. Mudgee, 7th August