Official opening of the internationally recognised Australian Oils Research Laboratory with the then President of AOA and a previous member of Parliament.

Visit to the Australian Oils Research Laboratory

by HRH Prince Philip in 2000

Technical Panel at the Olive Exposium, Sydney Mint Building, 2015

Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry

Presentation of Fellowship Awards, Sweden 2011

Australian Oilseed function Sydney 2010

Dr Rod Mailer, Mr Ian Mack and Mr Geoff Blackie

ISO Fats and Oils Delegates, Berlin 2014

AOCS Fellow Award San Antonio, Texas, 2014

Groupe Consultatif International Recherche sur le Colza

GCIRC Rapeseed Congress, Stockholm, 2013

ISO TC34 SC2 Committee, Orlando USA, 2017.

Invited speakers at the International Seminar on Oilseed Brassica, Jaipur, India 2017 

Members of the GCIRC Executive Committee, Saskatoon 2018

The ISO TC34 SC11 committee, Belfast February 2019

GCIRC Technical Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark. 1993

GCIRC Technical Meeting, Gottingen, Germany. April 1997 (Photo Lot).

GCIRC Technical Meeting, Poznan, Poland. 2001

(Photo Lot)

11th IRC, General Assembly, Copenhagen, Denmark. July 2003 (Photo Lot).

International Society for Fat Research Executive

Sydney 2020

Malaysian Palm Oil Board presentation at WCOF

Sydney 2020

Mr Jon Slee, Bruker representative and Dr Rod Mailer

Kaufmann Award winner, Dr Richard Cantrill

in Sydney 2020

Kaufmann Award Certificate awarded to Dr Richard Cantrill by Chair of the WCOF 2020, Dr Rodney Mailer

ISO TC34 SC2 committee 2020

ISO TC34 SC11 Fats and Oils Committee 2020